Thursday, October 10, 2013

This whole posting were kindled by Madagascar, Geography lesson from Guru

Passed by the office to get food and Guru summoned my attention some news about Madagascar, then I asked him if it was at the south most island of South America, [I was thinking of Galapagos-and again I was wrong because it is on the west of South America]. Then I remember some island that we were exploring before, and after trying to recall it, I realized it is still another island or landmark which is Gibraltar. He then was lecturing me, that the inhabitants of Madagascar were from Borneo.
Then from there we start[it's 2300h and Guru's alarm on his desktop sounds, and he called my attention while here the NEXUS 7, also sounded. It's time to take my antibiotic, and I just take my Atorvastatin with it] to watch some history clips, starting from a 3 minute one which I will not include here. Then 2 more interesting one which I will include here.

1 Exploring the World The Age of Exploration Begins

Exploring the World Ferdinand Magellan and the First Voyage Around the World  
From the past was able to embed video using YOU TUBE link, but for some reason I cannot do it so I just tested using hyperlink method

I included the YOU TUBE address, but somehow it cannot find it, and also nothing is showing on MY YOU TUBE despite I am signed in so I guess I have to figure out somehow what happened

Earlier, while testing my story from yesterday's practice writing. I got to link to one of my graphics, which I call fusion[it is something I want to call the style like there are genres like abstract, or surrealistic and many others], that was from the PICASA WEB ALBUM. And I realized that I could now continue with what I started this page for, a page where I could present my fusion, and describe it in some way. But somehow I got lazy and watching the video makes me think to write that particular event, and share it on Facebook and I just realize why not compose it on the blogsite I am practicing on and then re link them to Facebook Timeline? And so be it…
rsf_Vortec space[1280x800][11d][+Y][xpnd1440]8[006].jpg
1440 x 900
I figure, this fusion started as one of the original wallpaper included with windows, VORTEXSPACE[I just now realized that I had it misspelled in the filename], I forgot what version it is but I assume, is XP.  I remember I have compaq that have resolution of 1280x800, and that is why it is included in the name. I guess I also expanded it to 1440x900, when I happen to get gateway with 1440x900res, and that is the reason the dimension is of that size. I am not very sure what the other letters and numbers but I figure it is for me to differentiate it from other series, cause what happen is this program that I use which is PHOTOIMPACT uses layers and I get to have different fusion just by changing the order, or the transparency or the visibility

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