Thursday, July 3, 2008

been a while

since i have updated this page, not much activity gone this way. I just hope that someday, that this virtual page is not lost in time and space. too many things going on inside my head. organizing my pictures with Picasa, then try to decide which of them to upload. Doing this U-tube uploading too. in some way however i thing is not much interesting, there could be someone out there that will find it kinda unique. I still wonder at this moment how long this information will stay in the internet. Before, every little bit of the document or downloaded file i save save them either for future editing or reuse. and the result is archives of computer generated file. All sorts of files that is the saved format of each and every program i encounter and try to learn. I remember when the 3½ floppies costing about 20¢ a piece for a merely 1.4 MB and have to format them to store files in them. now flash drives come in GBs, not even sure of what is the latest capacity of these tiny memory storage.

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