Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Great Day! I encounter my co Group Therapy John and told me about the Internet acces at the Cafeteria here in VA LaJolla. haven't been here on my blog page for a long time and here i am updating them. Amazing how it is still around. I don't know where it is but i am so thankfull that the server is still providing me space and also of course time, in a way they are inseparable. when i started this blog page i do not know where i am going to use them. Now i realized that it's gonna be my Journal. A personal log.

My title says what my theme when i logged here. considering i don't have my laptop here, and here i am a can access my sites, anywhere in the world with access to computer. I typed RSF11FUSION and it shows the list of all the my pages, this blog page is listed including those i have posted with the u-tube.

I met this lady Norma Villa from the trolley on my way here to VA. We talked a lot, she mentioned that i will remember here and i told her i will. I told her that is what i want to do, to remember the names of people whom i really interacted with. People like to have their names remembered. I guess to my opinion, it makes us feel that we are significant part of the universe. Then when we get off the trolley, i shaked her hands and while we were saying Goodbye, Juan another co-Group therapy member of mine, pat me on my shoulder and told me he is going to the VA Mission Valley. Norma told me, God Bless You, and i told her God bless us all while making eye contact with her and also Juan that everybody should be blessed.

just testing this link if it will warp me to my First posted video on U tube which i call rsf11FUSION visualizer001
