Sunday, August 26, 2007
third REICH

i was going to label this
post as TRINITY because beside the 3 dimentional shell and core there is this 2 dimentional surface that fills empty space within this component
to find out about the above title CLICK HERE
to find out about the above title CLICK HERE
Bluer than BLUE

here is another derivation from the dim9x5[armoredCORE] series and its the 3rd of the series. the gap between the shell and the core were bridged by the vitruvian sketch by LEONARDO da VINCI, which could be viewed here with 2 different shade within its left and right symmetry

graphics i acquired from the net[will insert source once found and be credited] then manipulated to have this spherical shape and it belongs to the dim9x5[armoredCORE]]series because during those times that this were being imagined, the idea is a core within a shell that protects it...
there will be an animated version posted in the near future once opportunity arises.

Generation X

captured portion of the Xmen movie from DVD then added to my SCREEN guide[the black & blue-showing the screen sizes of different standard resolution starting from WIDE-1280X800, 1024X768 and the rest]
the 3 axis can be seen here and the resemblance of the TAURUS is kinda noticeable. BLUE & YELLOW are some of my favorite colors.

8-FOLD path
notice the Square and the rotated square SUMS the corners to number 8 that in eastern PHILOSOPHY is a very important number. 

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