with the help of digital camera, i have taken this picture and have it available anytime i want. print it, look at it. i remember the days that i took pictures and have to wait till the day that the roll is finished then take to the photo developing places to see the pictures. this pictures weretaken with my intel[fill out section for future details] camera, that takes only 640x 480, resolution. with this camera, i have taken hundreds of pictures. and downloaded them to my computer then view it. this camera dont even have screen where you could see the pictures taken and delete them. but i am happy about it. has done it's job. capture the memories

the picture above were taken by my son Rikko, and i will tell him to click if i wanted the particular action. This shows with the help of my wife, i built my garage like LEGO.
This picture below were taken at one of the parks in EASTLAKE GREENS where i mention in one of my blog page which is a part section of mySPACE, that heaven is aplace on EARTH, and here i remember the days when we regularly play in the afternoon, with various activity
the pictures were collaged using PICASA